SUNFLEX SF75 triple glazed bi-folding door

Unrivalled thermal performance and weather protection

sunflex sf75 triple glazed bi-folding door

thermally efficient bi-folding doors

SUNFLEX bifold doors have been installed around the world since 1986, offering the widest range and setting the standard for folding doors — including aluminium and timber-clad aluminium systems. Bifold patio doors blur the lines inside and out. Thanks to their slim, contemporary designs, SUNFLEX bifold door systems fill rooms full of light when closed and merge your home with your garden when open. With the capability to open part of your home up to the outdoors and extend your living space out into the garden in summer, bifold doors are a stylish addition to any home. When combined with flush or low-threshold tracks, SUNFLEX bifold doors can provide a near-seamless transition between the kitchen, living room, patio or terrace, creating the ideal entertaining space.


Bifold doors, also known as concertina doors, provide up to a 95% clear opening, creating a wow factor in small or large apertures. An odd number of panels in one direction provides a single access door, and then the doors can be opened one pair at a time. SUNFLEX folding sliding door systems can be configured to open inwards or outwards, sliding to the left or right and in a wide range of configurations for openings as small as 1.3m right the way up to 22m if required. The handles on all our bifold doors are finished in line with the door frame to provide a completely uninterrupted view through the glass. This attention to detail in handle design is exclusive to SUNFLEX bifold doors, creating a sleek and contemporary appearance when the doors are closed.

SUNFLEX SF75 triple glazed bi-folding door


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